Our School » School Improvement Plan for Student Achievement and Well-Being

School Improvement Plan for Student Achievement and Well-Being

The Algonquin and Lakeshore Catholic District School Board supports students to become discerning believers, lifelong learners and responsible citizens.

Each year, our Catholic schools develop a School Improvement Plan and Well-Being Plan.

The document below​​ is the current School Improvement and Wellness plan for this school year. This is the document that lays out what we will be focusing on in the coming months to make our school and even better place. If you have any comments, questions or suggestions please contact the school office.

Être Disciples (Discipleship)

Goal 1: 
Leadership étudiant et voix étudiante/Student Leadership and Student Voice
Practice a whole school approach to develop many and varied opportunities for student leadership and student voice to work toward our Catholic Graduate Expectations and create a community that is safe, caring, inclusive and respectful.

Goal 2: 
Appartenance, dignité et diversité/Belonging, dignity and diversity
Recognize the importance of belonging and the dignity of each person so that the diversity of our student population is represented.

Être Informés (Scholarship)

Goal 3: Confiance et compétence en français/Confidence and Competence in French
Students are confident and competent speakers of French who seek opportunities to practice speaking in French.

Goal 4: Environnements d'apprentissage flexibles et inclusifs /Flexible and Inclusive Learning Environments
Students have “voice and choice” in learning activities so that there is authentic engagement. There are flexible, inclusive learning environments that suit various learning styles and encourages critical thinking.

Goal 5: Compréhension des concepts mathématiques et de la fluidité mathématique/Understanding of mathematical concepts and mathematical fluency 
All teachers are engaged in capacity building through collaboration with a focus on teaching an understanding of mathematical concepts and developing confidence and fluency in applying math concepts and skills.

Goal 6: Compétences en rédaction non-fiction/Non-Fiction Writing Skills
Student will develop non-fiction writing skills across all areas of the curriculum.

Être Empatique (Stewardship)

Goal 7: Bien-être et santé mentale/Well-Being and Mental Health
Partner with home and community to promote and support well-being and mental health.
Goal 8: Gérance de l'environnement et citoyenneté responsable/Environmental Stewardship and Responsible Citizenship
Confirm our commitment to environmental stewardship by fostering “Green” practices within our school and renewing our promise to be stewards of the earth, God’s creation.  Accept accountability for living in peace, being just and promoting the sacredness of all life.